PHIL PARKINSON has been dealt another injury blow with the news that striker Steven Fletcher is the latest player facing a spell on the sidelines.

Former Scotland international Fletcher has made one start and nine substitute appearances in League Two since joining Wrexham in September, scoring two goals, but the 36-year-old has been struggling with a knee problem and will have to undergo surgery.

Parkinson revealed that Fletcher is due to go under the knife today and he won't know how long the frontman will be out of action until he's had the operation.

"Steven has had a problem with his knee and the specialist has decided he needs an operation," said the Reds' boss.

"He just hyper-extended it after being here three or four weeks and has been trying to get on with it but unfortunately it has got to the point where he can't carry on any longer so he is having  surgery.

"We won't know the extent of the time he is going to be out until the surgeon has performed the operation."

Parkinson is already without wing-back Ryan Barnett (medial ligaments) and centre-half Eoghan O'Connell (thigh) who are both set to be out for eight weeks.

Jordan Tunnicliffe (nerve problem) was named in the side for Saturday's clash at Notts County but was injured in the warm-up and missed the 2-0 win while fellow defender Aaron Hayden (hamstring) has been absent for the last three games.

"Jordan's is not serious but it is going to keep him out for a few weeks," said Parkinson.

"Aaron is making good progress and it is days rather than weeks with him."

On the injury situation at The STóK Cae Ras, the Reds' boss added: "It is frustrating for us but we have just got to contend with it.

"Other clubs have also got injuries.

"Sometimes they come together but it is about dealing with them.

"There are certain injuries you just can't do anything about and you have got to accept that over the course of the season a certain percentage of the squad are going to be out.

"Of course, we always want everybody available because when we have got everyone available, it is a great squad to choose from."