A DRUG-driver who was more than eight times the legal limit for cannabis has lost his licence.

Jack McLoughlin, of Heol Y Bryn in Flint, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday.

The 23-year-old admitted that on February 24 this year, he had in his possession a quantity of cannabis.

He further admitted that on that date, he drove a BMW motor vehicle on Coed Onn Road at Flint when the proportion cannabis in his blood exceeded the specified limit.

Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told the court that just after 10.30pm on the day of the offence, police stopped the defendant's vehicle and could smell cannabis coming from inside.

The substance was found in the boot and McLoughlin was arrested.

He gave a positive reading for cannabis at the roadside and when giving an evidential sample, he was found to have more than 17.5 microgrammes of the substance per litre of blood - the limit being 2.

The defendant told officers the drug belonged to him and his intention had been to smoke it.


Ms Jackson told the court McLoughlin had two previous offences, both of which were relevant; a drug drive in 2019 and possession of drugs from February this year.

Alex MacKenzie, defending, told the court: "He entered his guilty plea at the earliest opportunity and this has been a wake up call for him.

"He has been engaging with his GP and hasn't consumed cannabis for two months now.

The Leader:

"He has also got himself together and is working full time.

"Given those steps he has taken himself, I don't see that he has any criminogenic needs."

District Judge Gwyn Jones imposed a fine of £440 for the drug drive offence and banned the defendant from driving for 36 months.

He was fined a further £120 for possessing the cannabis and must pay £85 costs, as well as a £176 victim surcharge.