A FORMER-town councillor has been spared jail after assaulting and harassing his estranged wife.

Ryan O'Gorman, of High Street in Connah's Quay, appeared in the dock at Wrexham Magistrates Court for sentence on Tuesday.

The 45-year-old was previously convicted after trial of two offences of assault by beating and one of harassment without violence, all of which were against Zhor Sadi O'Gorman.

At this week's hearing, Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told the court that O'Gorman met the victim in 2008 when they worked together in Spain.

They married in 2011 and despite coming to the UK with the defendant on a six month visa, Mrs O'Gorman didn't wish to stay because she had no family or friends in the area.

But the defendant "got upset" and wanted her to stay, telling he'd "look after her."

As such, she did move to the UK in 2012 and bought a home with the defendant in 2013 - paying for and carrying out a lot of renovation herself.

In December 2022, the relationship broke down and by January the following year, Ryan O'Gorman had left the marital home.

He returned at the end of January, telling his estranged wife he "had no money," following which she gave him her card.

He came back to the home in February, hurling foul abuse at the victim before kicking her in the ankle and pushing her onto a bed, causing a TV to come off a stand and fall on her.

O'Gorman went on to harass his ex-partner over a number of dates between July and August.

He "threatened to evict her if she didn't give him a big amount of money," the court heard, and told her she "needed to get out of the house."

Ms Jackson told the court the victim feared her mental health was "ruined" by O'Gorman and that she felt like "a prisoner," adding he "controlled her all the time."

The victim said O'Gorman "didn't allow her to have friends or a social life" either.

When police interviewed O'Gorman, he attempted to shift the blame onto his estranged wife.

Ms Jackson invited the court to consider that the defendant's actions were intended to "maximise fear or distress."

Tom McLoughlin, defending Ryan O'Gorman, said: "Regarding the harassment, on the basis of the facts as heard, Mr O'Gorman's been quite foolish.

"But this isn't conduct intending to maximise fear or distress.

"He's going outside the home on the other side of the road. He walked by and didn't stop.

"He simply shouldn't have been anywhere near there but in my submission it's not a high degree of planning.

"I ask the court to consider there is a significant realistic prospect of rehabilitation.

"The probation service can and will work with Mr O'Gorman and there are sensible suggestions regarding the root cause of these offences.

"I suggest this would provide fruitful ground to develop his understanding of his behaviour, not only to punish him, but to rehabilitate him in the future."

District Judge Gwyn Jones told the defendant: "The [pre-sentence] report highlights a number of issues that cause some concern.


"There is poor conflict resolution on your part.

"The probation team feels you're minimising the offence."

The District Judge handed down a 16 week prison sentence, but suspended it for 24 months.

O'Gorman must undertake 20 days of rehabilitation activity, as well as 120 hours of unpaid work and up to 35 sessions on a "building better relationships" programme which will challenge his attitude towards partners and his understanding of domestic abuse.

The Leader:

"That's going to be challenging," the Judge warned him.

O'Gorman must also pay £930 costs and £1,000 in compensation to the victim.

A six year restraining order was imposed to protect the victim.