POLICE are working with fast food establishments to tackle anti-social behaviour.

Between 1pm on Saturday and around 12noon on Sunday, the Flintshire north policing team received reports of 69 Incidents - 13 of which were priority zero (emergency response).

A spokesman for the team said officers have seen "a little rise" in anti-social behaviour at some fast food establishments, and "it's not always youths."

"One incident reported is a grown man throwing a tantrum because his food took too long," the spokesman explained.

"We'll be working with these premises to see what interventions we can put in place.

"One tried and tested tactic is to play classical music inside - bores the youths out the door.

"In all seriousness, nobody deserves to be abused while they're just trying to get on with their work."

The team has noted that its extra patrols in Flint have seen a reduction in anti-social behaviour. 


"We really do appreciate all your support in our actions," the spokesman added.

"Op Restore will continue in Flint and in other hotspots on the district."

Another "common theme" officers have dealt with overnight has been "persons who've had too much to drink getting themselves in trouble."

The spokesman concluded: "We know it's bank holiday, and you might be letting your hair down or just having a nice relaxing day. 

"We never really know if this will cause us to be extremely busy or not, rest assured officers are working as hard as they can, but if you have reported a non-emergency incident there may be a delay as officers are dealing with emergencies."