"RIDICULOUS" new zebra crossing situated next to a busy Flintshire junction have been "closed" by the council.

The new crossings were installed earlier this month at the top of Well Hill, in Holywell, close to the junction with the A5026. 

The positioning of the crossings has caused some consternation among motorists, and a local councillor - who say the crossings have made it more dangerous.

Holywell town councillor, Daniel Thomas, said: "I think it’s more dangerous as I’ve witnessed cars not stopping even with people waiting there. And when a car does stop the back of the car is hanging out onto the main road which then can cause a car to clip the back end.

"They need to rethink on improving this crossing."

One motorist said: "I've almost gone in the back of someone a couple of times as they slam on."

Another added: "It's simply not a safe place for a zebra crossing. Far too close to a very busy junction. Must be hell at school times." Others branded the crossings "ridiculous" and "shambolic".

Flintshire Council said that the zebra crossings will be "temporarily closed" following the concerns. 

A spokesperson said: "The zebra crossing was implemented earlier this month as part of a wider Safer Routes in the Community scheme aimed at improving access to Ysgol Gwenffrwd and St Winefrides primary school.

"Following concerns raised by local residents, the zebra crossing will be temporarily closed in order to undertake additional safety checks.”

By closed, the council said it means the lights will be switched off and there will a sign up to say it’s not in operation.