A FLINTSHIRE man who breached his suspended sentence has been jailed.

John Manley-Evans, of Elm Drive, Mold appeared before Mold Crown Court on Thursday (May 23). 

The 42-year-old admitted breaching a 12-month suspended sentence order - which he was given for being convicted of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and assaulting an emergency worker on June 26, 2023. 

Ryan Rothwell, acting on behalf of the Probation Service, said the order involved 20 days of drug rehabilitation activity requirement - only one of which he has completed. 

The court heard there was a previous breach of the order in September - after which Manley-Evans was allowed to continue his period on probation. 

The latest breach relates to the defendant's failure, on multiple occasions, to attend a scheduled drug key worker session as part of the rehabilitation activity requirement. 


The court heard that Manley-Evans had been due to appear at Mold Crown Court last week. 

Defending, Amy Edwards, said the defendant had initially attended court - but "panicked" after finding out that a custodial sentence was likely. He went to a friend's address in Mold to get medication and then returned to court, by which time it had passed 5pm and the court had closed. 

Miss Edwards said that Manley-Evans has a drug problem which is behind "most of his issues", and, prior to this offence, he had not had a previous conviction since 2014. 

Judge Timothy Petts sentenced Manley-Evans to 28 weeks imprisonment.