POLICE have slammed 'selfish' vandals who damaged picnic benches at a Wrexham school.

The benches were purchased in order to allow children at Rhosddu Primary School to eat their lunch outside.

They were also introduced to allow lessons to take place outside when the weather is fine.

But, last week, vandals 'set fire' to them, according to North Wales Police who have branded the acts as "selfish".

The benches now have to be prepared before pupils can enjoy them again.

A statement from North Wales Police's Wrexham Town team read: "This is a picture of a damaged picnic bench at Rhosddu Primary School. They were bought to allow pupils to have their lunch outside and to allow outdoor lessons when the weather is fine."


They added: "Sadly over the last week, some individuals thought it appropriate or fun to try to set fire to them. Their selfish behaviour has now stopped pupils from using the bench until it is safely repaired.

"With the lighter nights and better weather, we would ask parents to know where their children are and what they are getting up to.

"It may seem like fun or a little joke at the time, but it impacts on children's learning in school and really isn't fair.

"Officers will be increasing patrols across the area to prevent repeated occurrences, but we would ask that local residents help us by reporting any anti-social behaviour via 101, the online reporting tool or 999 if urgent."