A MUM has thanked emergency workers and kind-hearted members of the community who came to the aid of her injured son after he fell from his bike and injured his leg.

Jac Edwards was biking with his friends at woods in Sychdyn on Saturday (May 18) and had decided to go to the shop.

On the way there, at about 3.20pm, he caught his handlebar on a wheelie bin outside Sychdyn Community Centre and fell from the bike.

The brake handle went two inches into his inner thigh, causing blood to "spurt" from his leg.

Fortunately, 12-year-old Jac remained calm and immediately compressed the wound.

His mum Nicola, of Rhosesmor, received a call shortly thereafter, as numerous people had stopped to help Jac.

She said: "People stopped in their car and passers by helped him as well.

The Leader: Jac pictured with mum Nicola and dad GarethJac pictured with mum Nicola and dad Gareth (Image: UGC)"They lay him down and put blankets under him, as well as looking after him and ringing the police and ambulance.

"I rushed down there and his dad Gareth came up because he was nearby in Mold at the time.

"It was scary."

Mrs Edwards, 49, said an off-duty police officer called in support to manage traffic after a member of the village  hall had stepped in to do it in the meantime.

"It escalated from there," she said, "as they were concerned he may have hit an artery.

"The air ambulance crew landed just behind the community centre and they were amazing.

The Leader: Jac at the sceneJac at the scene (Image: UGC)

"Everyone was brilliant; the police, the lady from the village hall who diverted traffic, the ambulance team, the hospital, the people who stopped and helped - I'd like to thank all of them.

"The community around there is amazing.

"Jac was obviously scared because he didn't know how bad what he'd done was.

"But he was very reassured by the people who helped him."

From the scene of the incident, Jac was flown to Glan Clwyd Hospital, where he was seen to quickly.

The Leader: Jac being taken onto the air ambulanceJac being taken onto the air ambulance (Image: UGC)He received stitches and is on antibiotics while the wound heals up.

Mrs Edwards said: "They've told him not to do any physical activity for a little bit - so there's no biking or football (Jac plays for Aston Park Rangers under 13s) at the moment.

"It was obviously scary at the time, but it was also very exciting for him to go in a helicopter.

"Apparently this is a common injury in biking.

"I didn't know that but a man who stopped at the scene to help was a biker and he told me."