A 'REVAMPED' Monday market will be hitting the streets of Wrexham over the coming months.

A number of local councillors have recently come together to try and bring the markets back to life after what they say have been 'years of decline'.

As part of preparations to introduce the new-look markets, councillors visited other similar events for some inspiration.

A self-funded mission saw them work alongside council officers over in Chorley (Lancashire) to see how their market works there.

Spurred on by how influential those markets were, Wrexham councillors returned to the city with a plan.

As such, as of June 3, the new look markets will take place every Monday between 7.30am and 3pm on Queen's Square in Wrexham.

Free pitches will be available to stallholders there for an initial 12 week period.


It is hoped that between the launch and August 26, the markets can grow into something that Wrexham can be proud of.

Cllr Paul Pemberton, one of the councillors involved in setting the markets up, said: "A number of Wrexham county councillors decided to get together to try and re-vamp the Monday outdoor market after many years of decline.

"We took it upon ourselves to visit other towns to look at their running models. We liaised with officers from Chorley and were amazed at the footfall and the knock on effect on the whole town there.

"The shops and eating establishments were buzzing as a consequence of the market. We received an enormous amount of help from our colleagues at Chorley which we were very grateful for.

"We then held a de-brief meeting in Wrexham on our return, and with help and agreement from officers at Wrexham together with the members of the group that made the visit, we are now able to give it a go.

"There will be a rent-free period for stall holders from June 3 to August 26 to try and re-boot the market over the summer months."

Anyone looking to set up a stall at the new-look Monday Market in Wrexham should contact Markets@wrexham.gov.uk.