Check out health and wellness influencers on social media, and you’re bound to see plenty of them talking about how CBD oil changed their health and lives. This supplement has plenty of benefits for your well-being according to them. But did you know that not all CBD products are THC-free?

If you’re looking for a pure CBD experience, you’ll need to avoid certain brands and products to get the most out of your oil supplementation. Fortunately, the team at NutraHolistics has done the research on the CBD oil market for you. This review walks you through some of the best THC-free CBD oil brands in the UK.

1. Blessed CBD – Leading the Pack in THC-Free CBD Oil in the UK

In the realm of CBD products in the UK, Blessed CBD is an absolute standout, and nobody's even close to touching the quality of its premium oils. The options here include a 500mg, 1,000mg, and 1,800mg product, with each tincture receiving lab testing and UK certification and verification.

The oils are NSF-certified and claim to be free of parabens, gluten, and GMOs. This ensures every batch is vegan and cruelty-free and features premium carrier oils to boost the flavor and efficacy of the product. Blessed CBD has no added flavor, but it’s a high-quality THC-free option, featuring broad-spectrum isolate.

2. Vibes CBD – A Close Second in THC-Free CBD Oils in the UK

Vibes CBD would be an ideal selection if you’re going for a fusion of strength and quality flavor. The brand offers two CBD oil products with purity and safety verified by its customer-reviewable Certificates of Analysis.

Vibes CBD is a THC-free product that also uses non-GMO hemp plants; it’s vegan-friendly and has wallet-friendly prices. Like Blessed CBD, it uses 100% broad-spectrum CBD isolate in its formulations, with strengths in 1,000mg and 2,000mg, making it suitable for intermediate to advanced users.

3. Reakiro – Top Choice for Flavored THC-free CBD Oils in the UK

Reakiro is for those looking to add a bit of flavor to their CBD routine. Ranging from citrus orange to berry and peppermint, Reakiro offers a flavorful taste experience with its oils. There's a good range of strengths, starting from 300mg. The bottles are a bit on the smaller side, and the pricing is more toward the upper end of the scale.

However, with a vast range of flavors and variations to choose from, Reakiro is the best choice for anyone looking forward to meeting their flavor requirements while enjoying a THC-free CBD oil experience.

4. CBDiablo – Premier THC-Free CBD Oil Spray in the UK

CBDiablo is a niche provider offering CBD oil sprays from 500mg up to 1,500mg. It’s a great brand for CBD users of all experience levels and features a broad-spectrum isolate formulation for a THC-free experience.

If you’re into tincture, CBDiablo has you covered, with oils ranging from 500mg to 2,000mg. The brand doesn’t have any flavor options, but its range of unique spray delivery systems makes it a top choice in this review.

5. Provacan – Best for Premium THC-Free CBD Oil Paste in the UK

Provacan stands out from the pack by being one of the few providers of high-quality CBD paste in the UK. The paste is only for advanced users, with 2,500mg strength. However, it has a range of tinctures with CBD concentrations varying from 300mg to 2,400mg for all levels of CBD experience.

Provacan only uses CBD isolate in its formulations, ensuring every bottle is THC-free and contains no additional cannabinoids in the formula. It’s a premium-quality brand, and that’s reflected in the price tag of its products.

6. Bristol CBD – Most Economical THC-Free CBD Oil in the UK

The final contender on our list of the best THC-free CBD oil brands in the UK is Bristol. Its organic hemp tinctures come in strengths of 5–20% to suit your experience level and budget. It’s a premium brand, and our top choice for vegan CBD users that want nothing but the best from their CBD supplementation.

The brand only has three products, but it makes it easier to round out your supplementation requirements. But beware, Bristol also does full-spectrum tinctures, so ensure you’re buying from the right page on the website. 

The Best CBD Oil in the UK – A THC-Free Oil Buyer’s Guide

Now that you know the top brands for THC-free CBD oil in the UK, let’s dive deeper into the technical stuff. This part introduces you to a buyer’s guide to understand the difference between THC and CBD and what to look for in a preferred oil provider.

Understanding the Health & Wellness Claims of CBD

Read through internet forums and you’ll see millions of pages discussing the health and wellness benefits of cannabidiol. But before you start believing any of these health claims, there’s something important that you need to know about the medical standing of CBD.

CBD is not FDA-approved or USDA certified to treat or cure disease. That means the FDA views CBD as a supplement and doesn’t regulate the market. There’s no official medical evidence reporting on CBD having any health benefits, such as alleviation of anxiety, sleep enhancement, or pain management.

So, take everything you hear from anecdotal user reports with a pinch of salt. Speak to a healthcare professional before supplementing with CBD oil, especially if you’re breastfeeding or have existing medical conditions.  

What’s the Difference Between THC & CBD?

Let's get to know the world of cannabis cannabinoids a bit. CBD and THC are the most famous and well-known compounds existing in cannabis plants, and although they might be related, they act upon our physiology in fundamentally dissimilar manners.

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the cannabinoid that makes you feel goofy. It's the one responsible for that high you get when smoking weed. THC hooks onto receptors in the endocannabinoid system (ECS), leading to feelings of joy. It’s perfect for experiencing the “high” or psychoactive effects of cannabis, but certainly not everybody's cup of tea because of its intoxicating effects.

Then there's CBD (cannabidiol), which is sort of the chill cousin to THC in the cannabinoid. CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning that no matter how much you consume, it can’t make you feel high. Instead, it exudes positive wellness vibes: helping alleviate anxiety and stress and decrease pain and inflammation.

That means people like using CBD because they can still feel its benefits throughout the day in their routines without any of the spaced-out feelings or legal issues that can occur with THC. Depending on what you're looking to get out of your cannabis experience, understanding the effects of each cannabinoid may assist in making the best choice for your lifestyle.

What is the Difference Between Broad-Spectrum CBD & Full-Spectrum CBD?

Trying to figure out the form of CBD oil to use is kind of like trying to figure out a puzzle. Some will be "broad-spectrum CBD" and others "full-spectrum CBD," so what’s the difference between them? Grasping these concepts helps you tailor your CBD experience to your preferences and needs.

Full-spectrum CBD oil contains everything the CBD-laden cannabis plant has to offer. This oil includes a small dose of THC (up to 0.3%). Full-spectrum CBD oil combines CBD with a few other cannabinoids, like CBN, CBA, and CBG, along with terpenes (compounds that decide the plant's smell) and flavonoids.

This team of compounds works together to create the “entourage effect” in users. It’s a fancy way of referring to the fact that each of these components enhances the others' strengths and potential benefits, amplifying the benefits to make CBD more powerful in handling issues like stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders (please refer to our disclaimer on using CBD oil for pain and anxiety management, and the lack of medical evidence supporting its use for these purposes).

Then there’s Broad-Spectrum CBD, which takes a slightly different approach because it doesn’t contain any trace THC, cannabinoids, or terpenes; they all get stripped out in the isolation extraction process. This makes broad-spectrum CBD oil a good option for those users who don’t want any trace cannabinoids other than CBD floating around in their system.

So, choosing between broad-spectrum and full-spectrum CBD oil really just comes down to your own personal THC tolerance and preferences. If a little bit of THC doesn't bother you and you want everything nature has to offer from the cannabis plant, then full-spectrum is the one for you. But maybe you’re not a big fan of THC but want to enjoy the benefits of cannabidiol in your life, broad-spectrum hemp extract is the better choice for you.

What Do I Look for in a CBD Oil Brand?

Stepping into the CBD oil market can feel like you're walking into a maze: so many paths to take and choices to make! Whether you're a complete novice or someone who has been consuming CBD for years, finding the right brand is crucial for harnessing the benefits of CBD in your wellness experience. Here's what you need to look for to navigate this space like a pro.

Third-Party Lab Testing

Always insist on a brand offering third-party lab testing on its CBD oil tincture. It's the hallmark of transparency in the industry. A trustworthy brand will unashamedly parade its lab reports on-site. The certificate of analysis (COA) shows that the oils used in gummy manufacturing are exactly what's on the label and free from harmful contaminants like heavy metals and pesticides. Taking this step in your due diligence ensures you’re getting the advertised amount of CBD in the oil and that it’s safe to consume with no side effects.

Product Range

A great CBD oil brand should offer a wide range of products to fit every need and desire. They should have low or high-strength options to suit all experience levels, from beginners to experts. These would include broad-spectrum products in a range of delivery systems, such as tinctures, CBD sprays, or pastes.

Carrier Oils

Carrier oils are not just a filler. They can significantly influence the effectiveness and absorption of CBD. Common carrier oils include MCT oil (coconut), hemp seed oil, and olive oil. Each has its perks: MCT oil is known for its metabolic benefits, hemp seed oil for its nutritional content, and olive oil for its flavor and heart-health benefits. Choose a brand that uses high-quality carrier oils that align with your health priorities.


Let's be honest, the natural herbal taste of CBD oil isn't for everyone. Many brands offer flavored CBD oils to make the experience more enjoyable. These can range from refreshing mint to sweet berries. Just ensure that the flavorings are natural and avoid anything with artificial additives.

Price vs. Value

Price is not the sole determinant when choosing CBD oil, but it definitely plays a role in your decision. Look for brands that offer good value, meaning high-quality ingredients and CBD content that justify the cost. Being more expensive does not always mean better quality, but ultra-cheap products are likely not up to standard. Aim to find a balance between affordability and effectiveness.

Industry Standing

Consider the brand's reputation. How long have they been in business? What do other users and industry experts say about them? A reputable brand is more likely to be reliable and committed to quality. Check out reviews, articles, forums, and social media to gauge public perception and the credibility the industry bestows upon the brand.

The Best CBD Oil in the UK – FAQ

Q: What’s the difference between CBD oil and other CBD products?

A: CBD oil and tincture is great, but there are other ways to get your daily dose of cannabidiol. CBD gummies and edibles are great for a sweet treat, and there are CBD capsules if you’re not comfortable with using tincture because of its herbal taste. You also have the option of using CBD topicals like creams for targeted pain relief in joints and muscles and vaping CBD is a popular option to get a steady daily dose of CBD (Please refer to our disclaimer in our buyer’s guide for using CBD for pain relief. There's no medical evidence supporting its use for managing pain symptoms).

Q: How does CBD oil work in my body?

A: CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). It docks in ECS receptors, unlocking the wellness benefits of the compound on your physiology. The ECS helps to regulate pain and inflammation in the body. If you have anxiety, a sleep disorder, or experience chronic pain, using CBD can help you experience relief from these conditions (Check our disclaimer above on wellness benefits and claims by CBD oil providers). Typically, it takes around 30 to 60 minutes for the CBD oil you ingest to start interacting with the ECS.

Q: Why are CBD oils and tinctures becoming popular?

A: The rise in popularity of CBD for wellness use comes from the decriminalization of the compound in the UK in 2014 and in the UK in 2016. Since then, we’ve seen so many brands start popping up. Social media also played a big part in boosting its popularity, with thousands of influencers receiving sponsorship deals for CBD brands looking to capture the online market.

Q: How do I use CBD oil in my daily routine?

A: There are plenty of ways to introduce CBD into your daily routine. The most common method is using the tincture orally, dropping it straight onto your tongue. If you don’t like the herbal taste of it, you can mix CBD tincture into coffee or tea or add it to your morning smoothie to boost its health benefits with CBD.