A WREXHAM teenager has been fined after his dog attacked and injured another man in the street.

James Ward, of Y Wern, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 19-year-old admitted that on October 16 last year, he was the owner of a "staffy-type" dog named Lola which was dangerously out of control in Deva Way, Wrexham - and that whilst so out of control it injured another person.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that at around 9.30pm on the day of the offence the victim, Aiden Torgersen, was walking his dog on a lead in Deva Way.

As he was walking, he heard someone shout "get your dog," and turned to see Ward's dog running in his direction.

Lola "latched" onto Mr Ward's dog and as the victim attempted to intervene, he was bitten and sustained injury to both hands.

Afterwards, Mr Torgersen asked Ward to pay his vet bills and for his damaged clothing - but the request was denied due to the defendant not being able to afford it.

The damaged clothing in question were the victim's shoes, which were splattered with blood.

Mr Espie told the court: "In fairness to the defendant, he has already given an indication to the police that they should have [Lola] destroyed.

"He has given that consent and taken a realistic view."


Alun Williams, defending, told the court: "James Ward has no previous convictions of any kind whatsoever.

"At the time, Lola was three years of age he'd been in possession of her and another dog for some ten weeks.

"He took them in out of the goodness of his heart after he saw a Facebook post asking someone to take them.

"On delivery of the dogs, he was told Lola can at times be funny with other animals.

"On the evening in question, he and his girlfriend took Lola for a walk. 

"He went to adjust his girlfriend's scarf when Lola escaped and made a run to Mr Torgersen's golden retriever."

Mr Williams said his client, according to cognitive function testing, "operates at the level of a ten-year-old," and was educated as a special unit within a Wrexham high school.

The Leader:

Ward was fined £150 for the offence and must pay a £60 victim surcharge.

He must also pay £300 compensation to Mr Torgersen and £85 prosecution costs.

The court issued an order for the destruction of Lola.