By Jack Sargeant

MS for Alyn and Deeside

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. It is a crucial time for us to focus on our own well-being. The theme this year, set by the Mental Health Foundation, is ‘Movement: moving more for our mental health’. This theme is all about finding something that both moves your body and your mind, whether that’s football, walking or any other activity you may enjoy. It can significantly boost your mood and overall well-being.

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to reach out if you need help. If you are in need of urgent mental health support, or you are not sure where to turn to get advice and guidance, call NHS 111 press 2. Mental health support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

For me personally, I am a huge football fan and recently enjoyed playing at Cardiff City Stadium for the Senedd Parliamentary Team. Not only was this great for lifting my spirits, but we also raised money for an important cause, Mind Cymru.

My focus is always on supporting grassroots sport in Alyn and Deeside. It was great to have the opportunity to donate a fun football kit pack to a local children’s team which included footballs, bibs and cones thanks to McDonald’s. Lots of fantastic local teams entered the draw with Connah’s Quay Tigers Under 7s team taking home the prize!

In the Senedd, I have been raising issues impacting residents. The poor performance of Avanti trains in north Wales is extremely concerning, and an issue that has been raised with me a number of times by constituents. In March this year, 21 per cent of services were cancelled. Myself, Mark Tami MP, and train users in north Wales are absolutely fed up with an operator that seems incapable of turning things around.

I raised the issue with the First Minister in the Senedd and asked him and the Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport, Ken Skates MS to stress to Avanti the need for immediate improvement. I also highlighted that the poor performance of Avanti further underscores the need for renationalisation of rail under a UK Labour Government.

On a lighter note, my dog Coco and I are taking part in the inaugural Senedd Dog of the year awards! Coco has sadly had a traumatic year, but we are using our experience of a violent dog attack to promote responsible dog ownership. You can read more about Coco and the competition whilst casting your vote here:

As always, I am here to support you. If you live in Alyn and Deeside and need my assistance, please get in touch by emailing