COUNCILLORS have raised concerns about fly-tipping following a reduction in opening hours at Flintshire's Household Recycling Centres (HRC). 

Earlier this month, changes to the county's HRCs came into effect - with them reducing from being open seven days a week to five. This includes all centres being closed on a Wednesday as Flintshire Council looks to plug its budget deficit.

Last week, long queues formed outside the recycling centre in Buckley just says after the reduction opening hours came into effect.

And some Flintshire county councillors are concerned it could lead to an increase in fly-tipping.

Hawarden councillor Ant Turton, who covers the Mancot ward, said: "I am slightly concerned this will only increase the already large amount of fly-tipping we as residents are seeing blight our lanes and fields.

"I was aware the budget this year would see cuts again in most, if not all departments of Flintshire Council - sadly it seems a sign of the times. However, I am not sure the closure of all sites on a Wednesday will benefit anyone.

"In the last week alone, I have reported three separate fly-tipping incidents. While I understand these people will always look to dispose of their waste this way, I feel we should be looking at ways to make the sites more accessible for all. If it reduces a small percentage of people to fly-tipping then the council will save money on not having to send teams out to clear the waste left behind in our villages."


Cllr Turton said he'd be keen to see longer opening hours trialled at some sites.

"I would have been interested in a trial of some sites being open for longer, especially in the summer months, perhaps giving residents the opportunity to use the service in the evenings after work," he said. "Currently, 9-5 openng hours can be tricky to get to, leaving only the already busy weekends free to visit the sites.

"Staggered hours could be trialled across the locations with some sites opening early, and some staying open later."

Buckley councillor, Carol Ellis, added: "I think the closures on a Wednesday across Flintshire need to change and review needs to take place. I have contacted the appropriate officer and cabinet member.

"Last week we saw cars queueing outside the Buckley site as people seem to travel to this site from lots of areas of Flintshire, using the A55."

Flintshire Council declined to comment on the matter.