A DANGEROUS driver who tried to push his luck with a Crown Court Judge's leniency has been given a curfew. 

Joshua Jones, of Kelsterton Road in Connah's Quay, received a suspended sentence last year after being convicted of dangerous driving.

At the sentencing hearing, in August, the court heard he led police on a high-speed chase and was lucky not to have killed someone.

He accelerated down an unlit, single track rural lane and continued driving at excessive speed in what became a pursuit over almost 10 miles.

At one stage he was doing 80 miles per hour in a residential 30 zone and he emerged from two junctions at excessive speed.

He received a 12 month sentence, suspended for 18 months with rehabilitation activity, unpaid work and a curfew.

Jones, now 25, appeared at Mold Crown Court on Thursday morning to have the terms of his suspended sentence amended.

Karl Scholz, prosecuting, told the court Jones had successfully completed the curfew element of his sentence - but is now unable to undertake his unpaid work due to a wrist injury.

No replacement was put forward, but Mr Scholz pointed out the defendant had completed his curfew without any problems, and may be able to do another.

Judge Niclas Parry told the defendant: "You're doing well and you're only here because of your problems, which I accept.

"I will remove the work; you can't do it.

"But you will have to be punished in another way. I swap it for a 12 week curfew starting today and finishing on August 15. From 6.30pm to 6am, you will be tagged."

Representing himself, Jones told the Judge the curfew would mean he would be unable to see his child, who lives in Scotland.

Judge Parry decided he'd explained his case well, and took the 12 week curfew down to eight - to coincide with the school holidays.

But Jones told the Judge: "I'm not happy with that."

Judge Parry answered: "Then we'll go back to three months?

"I'm not here to make you happy. I'm here to be fair.

"The public would not expect you to walk out of here without any punishment.

"This was a serious matter and clearly there has to be punishment.

"I'm imposing the curfew for two months - make sure you comply with it."