The case to challenge Wrexham Council's vote to adopt its Local Development Plan has taken "a very significant step forward", according to councillors opposed to the plan.

We reported previously on the the authority's members voting to adopt the LDP, which took place in December.

It happened after a Judge quashed councillors' previous two refusals of the scheme and instructed them to vote again - this time in favour.

Many councillors expressed discomfort at being made to vote against their beliefs and some simply refused to take part in the vote.

Following the December meeting, a group of unnamed councillors launched a CrowdJustice fundraising page to "challenge this fundamentally unfair and undemocratic situation via a court review of the council's decision to adopt the plan by bringing proceedings through the planning court."

In a ruling published in the last week, The Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Lewison stated that the case can go forward to the Court of Appeal, adding: "I am satisfied that, for the reasons stated in the Grounds of Appeal the proposed appeal has a real prospect of success and raises an important point of principle."

The legal challenge is being carried out on behalf of the majority of councillors who voted twice not to adopt the LDP.

Cllr Marc Jones said: "The judge's ruling on allowing the case to go forward represents a very significant development.

"It recognises that there is a significant public interest in councillors being forced, upon threat of imprisonment or fines, to adopt a plan that they had voted against twice because they believed it was not in the best interests of the people they represent.

"Equally important is his statement that he believes we have a real prospect of success.

"This is the people's democratic representatives taking on unelected powerful interests.

"It has not been done lightly - it comes at significant personal risk and cost.

"There have been attempts to silence us with police and Ombudsman investigations as well as threats in the council chamber about jail.

"We hope that the legal action can take place as quickly as possible because there's a real risk that developers will aim to rush through planning applications on key strategic sites that amount to an extra 3,200 homes that would be built on two super-estates either side of Wrexham - on the Ruthin Road and on the Cefn Road.

"It also impacts on protecting green wedges between communities."

Councillors said they were taking legal advice on whether the council should defer any further planning decisions related to the LDP in light of the Court of Appeal ruling.

"Legal action is an expensive, but necessary, business," Cllr Jones continued.

"The implications of losing this action are profound for people's democratic rights and the outcome of the court decision is being monitored closely by other campaigners throughout Wales and England."

Anyone who wishes to see or contribute to the CrowdJustice page to support the appeal can follow the link above.

Wrexham Council was approached for comment.