TWO men who stole shower gel from a city centre store over the weekend have been sentenced.

Carl Bambrough, aged 34 and of no fixed abode, was produced in custody at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Monday.

Also produced at the court in custody was 52-year-old Andrew Littler, of Chapel Street in Wrexham.

Both men admitted an offence of theft from shop, which took place on Sunday (May 12) when they jointly stole 16 bottles of Lynx shower gel worth £20 from One Below in Wrexham city centre.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court the case was as simple as the charge suggested - in that both men entered the shop and selected the items before putting them into a bag and leaving.

Littler had 140 offences on his record, Mr Espie said - but there had been a "significant gap" in his offending from 2022 onwards.

And as far as Bambrough was concerned, Mr Espie told the court the offence put him in breach of a conditional discharge - which has previously been breached with no action taken.

Alex Mackenzie, defending Littler, told the court: "Indeed prior to last week, he has kept out of trouble.


"But he's unfortunately fallen back to heavy alcohol misuse, whilst remaining steady on a methadone script.

"I accept it's part of group offending with two of them - but I don't think we could say this was sophisticated offending.

"It was simply grabbing stuff and going, and it was low value."

Laura MacMillan, defending Bambrough, conceded the court's sentencing options were limited given her client was already on recall.

She explained he had found himself in something of a "revolving door" of going into custody, coming out with no money and then offending before he had a chance to set up benefits - leading to re-arrest and custody.

Ms MacMillan suggested to the Magistrates: "Given it's low level theft, I ask if you're considering imprisonment that it could run concurrent to his recall - or you may consider a fine. 

"He's not from this area and is considering moving back to Manchester after his release.

"He has more support there and it may help him to stop this cycle."

Bambrough interjected: "I came here to try and make a fresh start."

The Leader:

The court handed down a £40 to Littler and ordered him to pay £10 compensation, as well as a £16 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Bambrough received a two week custodial sentence for beaching his conditional discharge, and one week to run concurrent for the theft.

He must pay £85 costs and £10 compensation.

Bambrough was told the effect of the sentence was that when he completed his current sentence, he would be able to move back to Manchester without the conditional discharge hanging over him and start afresh.