A MAN was stopped from driving off whilst over the alcohol limit when a person stepped in and took his keys, a court heard.

Anthony Leech, of Station Road in Bangor on Dee, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Monday afternoon.

The 63-year-old admitted that on April 17 at Erbistock, he drove a Suzuki motor vehicle in Cae Adda Lane after consuming so much alcohol that the proportion of it in his breath exceeded the prescribed limit.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that on the day of the offence, police were called at 2pm to a matter involving the defendant which had not come before the court.

Leech was described as "intoxicated" and had attempted to drive off.


But a witness took his keys in order to stop him.

When officers arrived, he confirmed he'd got to the location by driving and provided a positive alcohol reading at the roadside.

Following his arrest, he gave an evidential sample of 66 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath; the limit being 35.

Representing himself at the hearing, Leech made limited submissions in his defence.

The Leader:

"I'm sorry for what I've done," he told the court, as well as confirming he isn't working and is in receipt of benefits.

The Magistrates fined him £120 and ordered him to pay £48 victim surcharge, as well as £85 costs.

Leech was banned from driving for 18 months.