POLICE responded to hundreds of incidents at licensed premises across Wrexham and Flintshire in 2023, data has revealed.

Freedom of information figures, obtained by the Leader, has shown the number and types of offences the force recorded with a "licenced premises" flag across both counties over the course of a calendar year.

In total, some 853 offences were recorded in that time.

Of those, 525 took place in Wrexham and 328 were in Flintshire.

North Wales Police confirmed licencing officers, along with Council Licensing and Neighbourhood Policing Teams "are working hard to educate and support the licensees and staff in relation to safeguarding their customers and managing their premises."

Of the 525 Wrexham offences, a total of 189 happened in public houses, bars, restaurants and clubs.

The locations for the remaining offences were logged with various location types, including: town centre, street/road, convenience store, supermarket, hotel and brewery - with some having no location type recorded at all.

There were 76 offences of theft recorded in Wrexham over the calendar year, as well as 44 public order offences (public order encapsulating a variety of crimes including disorderly behaviour and threatening behaviour).

In Flintshire, of the total 328 offences recorded throughout 2023, 112 were attributed to the location types of public house, bar, restaurant or club.

Again, the remaining offences logged were attributed to a variety of types including street, petrol station, supermarket, hotel and more.

Of the Flintshire total, 70 related to theft and 55 related to public order.

Throughout all offences across both counties in 2023, the data makes almost 250 references to incidents involving assault.

A handful involved weapons; including knives, a knuckleduster and a pool cue.

And numerous incidents involved drugs, with suspects being found in possession of cocaine and cannabis.

Wrexham City District Inspector Heidi Stokes said: “On a Friday and Saturday in Wrexham, we have dedicated officers on foot patrol policing the night time economy. 

"Quite often, they are able to prevent issues before they happen, but also intervene quickly where incidents do occur.”