A TEENAGER who took cocaine on the annual Christmas "Mad Friday" was caught drug driving the very next day.

Morgan Hodgson, of Cae Glo Lane in Cefn Mawr, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 18-year-old admitted that on December 23 last year at Acrefair, he drove a motor vehicle with the proportion of benzoylecgonine (a cocaine breakdown product referred to as BZE) in his blood exceeded the specified limit.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court the defendant was drug swiped on the day of the offence after having driven on Llangollen road.


His evidential reading confirmed he had greater than 300 microgrammes of BZE per litre of blood - the legal limit being 50.

Ceri Lewis, defending, said: "Mr Hodgson has lost his good character.

"He took cocaine on 'Mad Friday,' so to speak - it was the day before.

"He'd waited until the following afternoon (to drive)."

Ms Lewis said the defendant is currently looking for work.

The Leader:

"He gave full cooperation at the roadside and police station and comes from a very supportive family," she added.

Deputy District Judge Lee Davies handed down a fine of £120 and ordered Hodgson to pay £85 costs, as well as a £48 victim surcharge.

He was banned from driving for 12 months.