A WREXHAM man who was clocked doing 80mph in a 20mph zone has been sentenced for dangerous driving.

Jack Brown, 20, of Green Meadows, New Broughton, Wrexham, previously pleaded guilty to the charge at Chester Magistrates Court. He also admitted driving the Audi A4 vehicle when he did not have a valid licence or insurance for that car, and admitted failing to stop when asked to do so by police.

Returning to the court for sentencing on Monday, February 19, Brown was banned from driving for 12 months and ordered to take an extended retest if he wanted to get behind the wheel again.

Jessica Pridding, prosecuting, said it was 10.35pm on December 27, 2023 when police at the Posthouse Roundabout became aware of the silver Audi heading into Chester city centre, having shown up on a number plate check as not having insurance.

The driver - Brown - was asked to stop, and did so, but he then drove off again into Chester and back out again.

A police pursuit ensued and the Audi was recorded as going at 90mph in the 30mph zone at Handbridge, then subsequently drove at 100mph in a 50mph zone and 80mph in a 20mph zone in Wales.

When police found the car in Jeffreys Road, Wrexham, its exhaust was "hanging off".

The court heard that Brown initially gave false details, and he was confirmed as the driver when, during a custody search, he had the keys to the car hidden in his underwear.

Brown had one previous conviction from 2019 for possession of a bladed article and battery.

Alun Williams, defending, said: "Fortunately, nobody was injured," saying there was little traffic on the roads at that time of day and year.

Mr Williams said Brown accepted "he panicked and acted in a completely irresponsible manner" and the defendant had lost his job working for Ifor Williams Trailers as a consequence.


He was now looking for new employment and was prepared to carry out unpaid work as part of a community order.

District Judge Owen Jones, sentencing, said the speeds recorded were "significantly above the speed limit", but "on balance" he could draw back from custody.

Brown was sentenced to a 12-month community order, to include 20 days of a rehabilitation activity requirement and 100 hours unpaid work.

As well as the order and driving ban, Brown must pay £120 court costs and a £114 victim surcharge.