A GROUP of young men have been spared jail after ambushing and attacking a youth and his dad.

Seven defendants appeared in the dock for sentence at Mold Crown Court on Wednesday morning.

They were:

  • Rhys Williams, aged 18 and of Elm Drive in Mold - for affray and assault occasioning actual bodily harm.
  • Jay Hughes, aged 18 and of Tai Maes in Mold - for affray.
  • Kaelum Hughes, aged 19 and of Y Dolydd in Mold - for assault occasioning actual bodily harm and affray.
  • Kian Jones, aged 20 and of Elm Drive in Mold - for affray.
  • Charlie Mullen, aged 18 and of Ivy Crescent in Mold - for affray.
  • Reece Rhodes, aged 18 of Hawthorn Avenue in Mold - for affray.
  • Kane Wolfe-Roberts, aged 18 and of Parc Hendy in Mold - for affray.

John Philpotts, prosecuting, told the court all of the defendants were under 18 and were pupils at Mold Alun school in the spring of 2021.

Following an altercation in the Hawarden area, there were "repercussions" for which another youth "took the blame" and ended up in a fight with the defendants.

On the afternoon of April 29 last year, the youth was walking home.

His father knew about the situation and walked to meet him - but spotted the defendants "lying in wait."

The dad tried to escort his son to safety but the gang of defendants surrounded them both and attacked.

Both father and son were repeatedly punched, with the dad being left with a bloody face.

The sight of blood appeared to give the attackers pause, giving the victims a chance to get away.

But the incident continued, with the defendants turning up in a field opposite the victims' home, shouting threats and abuse.

In interview, several of the defendants admitted being there - some confirming they had attacked one of the victims, others saying they hadn't.

Mullen in particular told police the younger victim was "a f****** grass" and that "snitches get stitches."

Kaelum Hughes was also to be sentenced for a separate incident in which he knocked a man unconscious in the street, some six weeks after the group attack.

The Leader:

He claimed he'd been defending himself.

Following an indication by Judge Niclas Parry about his intentions regarding sentences, limited submissions were made by only some of the barristers on behalf of the defendants.

Simon Mintz, defending Wolfe-Roberts, conceded his client's pre-sentence report had been "the worst I have ever read" after he refused to engage in any kind of unpaid work, should he be given a non-custodial sentence.

But Mr Mintz told the court the defendant's attitude had been borne out of a misunderstanding and that he acknowledged his responses in interview had come across "extremely childish."

John Wyn Williams, on behalf of Kaelum Hughes, told the court despite the two incidents his client had involved himself in, there "is evidence of rehabilitation" and he is making progress in his apprenticeship as a plumber.

He had "a great deal to lose" if an immediate term of imprisonment was imposed, Mr Wyn Williams added.

Judge Niclas Parry told the group: "This was a group attack - a cowardly, pre-meditated revenge attack in a busy public place.

"There would have been families present and some members of the public were concerned enough to call the police."

However the Judge also took into account the fact the defendants were "still young men", and that some time had passed since the offences took place.


Kaelum Hughes received a four month custodial sentence, suspended for 18 months and must do 240 hours of unpaid work, as well as paying compensation of £100 to the dad of the younger victim, £400 to the man he knocked out in the street and £100 in costs.

Reece Rhodes and Kian Jones both received an 18 month community order with 120 hours of unpaid work, £100 costs and £100 compensation.

Jay Hughes received a rehabilitation order for 18 months.

Kane Wolfe-Roberts received a four month custodial sentence, suspended for 18 months and must undertake 120 hours of unpaid work, as well as paying £100 compensation and £100 costs.

Rhys Williams and Charlie Mullen both received a six month custodial sentence, suspended for 18 months - and must undertake 200 hours of unpaid work, as well as paying £100 in compensation and £100 costs.

The Judge told them all: "I have read something positive about every one of you.

"You're young and have your futures ahead of you.

"Take this chance and don't come back."