PLANS for two Traveller pitches in Wrexham have been refused by the council.

An application had been submitted to Wrexham Council for a proposed change of use of the land off Moss Road in Moss, near Summerhill.

It would have seen two residential caravan pitches installed on the land, to include a static caravan, a touring caravan, gravel hardstanding and septic tank sewage treatment - for the purposes of occupation of Gypsy and Travellers. 

The site is a part of a wider area of land owned by the applicant which consists of fenced pony paddocks, comprising a number of single storey timber buildings clad with green corrugated sheeting.


Wrexham Council has refused the plans on the grounds that it has "not been adequately demonstrated that the need for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation in this location outweighs the harm" to the green barrier land the site sits within. 

Other reasons for refusal listed on Wrexham Council's decision notices are as follows: 

  • The access to the site is considered to be inadequate to serve the proposed use and as such would compromise the safe, effective and efficient use of the highway network, impacting on highway safety.
  • The site is not served by adequate pedestrian footways linking it to the nearby villages and facilities. The development therefore poses a risk to pedestrians.
  • The proposed development does not adequately demonstrate that there would be no impact upon the River Dee/Bala Lake Special Area of Conservation as a result of foul drainage.