A Wrexham man has been given a "final opportunity" to turn his life around after giving abuse to staff at a doctor's surgery.

David Williams, of Tanat Way, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 36-year-old admitted that on January 12, he breached his criminal behaviour order (CBO).

Justin Espie, prosecuting, told the court that at around 4pm on the day of the offence, Williams was at a doctor's surgery in St George's Crescent, Wrexham, "making threats towards staff."

He'd been made the subject of a CBO in December 2022 - with conditions not to be intoxicated in public or use offensive language or behaviour.

The Leader:

When police arrived at the surgery, Williams was "slumped against the wall, heavily intoxicated."

In brief submissions to the court, Pierce Blythen, defending, said his client was on a suspended sentence and had been engaging with the Probation Service.

The court heard Williams had attended five of the seven probation appointments offered to him and appeared "motivated to engage."

He was described by a probation officer as "a man with limited functional abilities" who is "alcohol dependent."

He often "drinks to excess," the officer, and had told the Probation Service he suffers personality disorders.

Deputy District Judge Lee Davies said: "The starting point is that I send you to prison - because you committed this offence on a suspended sentence order.

"But the reason I'm not going to, is that I have had a promising update from probation that you're making progress and showing engagement.


"I am going to give you a final opportunity."

For the breach of the CBO, Williams received an eight week custodial sentence, suspended for 12 months with a six month alcohol treatment requirement.

He received a £50 fine for breaching his suspended sentence and must pay £85 costs, as well as a £154 victim surcharge.