A PROLIFIC shoplifter who was ordered not to go into city centre shops has found herself back in the dock for doing exactly that.

Naomi Roberts, of Tanat Way in Wrexham, was produced at Mold Magistrates Court in custody on Thursday (January 18).

The 33-year-old admitted two offences of breaching her criminal behaviour order (CBO).

Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told the court that the defendant was made the subject of the CBO in March 2023.

As part of the three-year-older, she was prohibited from entering any retail premises in Wrexham city centre.

Ms Jackson said the reason for the restriction was due to the number of shoplifting offences she'd committed in the area, and the effect she was having on businesses.

"It was necessary to safeguard employees and to give businesses respite," she explained.

However, on January 10, Roberts went into Tesco on Crescent Road.

She was in the store for around six minutes and following analysis of CCTV, was not believed to have stolen anything.

Then, on Wednesday (January 17), she was seen leaving the store by a police officer who knew of her CBO - which led to her arrest.


Ms Jackson told the court Roberts had nine previous convictions for 40 offences.

The offence before the court also put her in breach of two separate suspended sentences totalling eight weeks, suspended for 18 months.

Elzbeth Kenny, defending, told the court: "This is an unusual case; only when she was approximately 31 did she come to the attention of the courts.

"She was with her long-term partner for 15 years and was the victim of domestic violence.

"Then she separated from her partner and started mixing with the wrong crowd.

"She started using crack and heroin and up until the pre-Christmas period, was homeless and had a chaotic lifestyle."

Ms Kenny said her client has now secured accommodation and has regained her methadone script - representing a "major turnaround."

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She added that Roberts hadn't stolen on either of her visits to Tesco, but had needed to use the bathroom due to her diabetes.

The Magistrates opted not to activate the suspended sentences - but extended their operational period by six months, to two years in total.

For the latest breach of the CBO, Roberts received a four week term of imprisonment, suspended for two years.

She was ordered to pay costs of £85 and a £154 victim surcharge, as well as undertaking up to 15 days of rehabilitation work.