A FLINTSHIRE resident had a lucky escape after their bedroom went up in flames.

North Wales Fire and Rescue Service said the incident occurred at a property on Seathwaite Way in Connah's Quay on Tuesday afternoon.

Two crews were called to the blaze, which was caused by a charging unit and caused severe damage to the bedroom of the elderly man's house. Thankfully he escaped unhurt, NWFRS said.

The Leader:

A spokesperson said: "We’re appealing to everyone to ensure they have working smoke detectors on every level of their homes- and to test them regularly."

The Leader:

They are urging people to follow the below advice about using items with chargers:

• Always keep an eye on devices when charging

• Always use the charger that came with your device

• If you need to buy a replacement, always choose a branded, genuine product from a supplier you can trust

• Avoid storing, using or charging batteries at very high or low temperatures

• Protect batteries against being damaged – that's crushed, punctured or immersed in water

• Don’t leave items continuously on charge after the charge cycle is complete –don’t leave your phone plugged in overnight

• Never cover chargers or charging devices

• Don't overload your sockets