A YOUNG woman who engaged in a relationship with an older man harassed him after he ended it, a court heard.

Melanie Spafford, of Strand Lane in Holywell, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday.

The 19-year-old admitted that between April and September last year she harassed Samuel Hughes by following him and sending numerous unwanted messages.

Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told the court he met the defendant through friends at the beginning of 2023.

In the victim's words, they began a 'casual, sexual relationship' - not a romantic one - which Mr Hughes ended after three months due to Spafford becoming "too attached."

But she then began to harass him - turning up unannounced at his home, phoning him and messaging him.

The contact escalated, with her turning up at his place of work and driving past his home, as well as parking outside.

Spafford used various numbers and social media accounts after the victim blocked her - sending upwards of 90 messages to him.


And even after being arrested and given bail conditions not to approach him, the defendant's conduct continued.

She became "obsessive" about him, the court heard.

In his statement, the victim said it was clear Spafford's behaviour was "getting worse and worse" and that he felt it was "only a matter of time" before she did something to him or his car.

"He just wants her out of his life for good," Ms Jackson said.

Andrew Holliday, defending, told the court: "This is an unusual case. From [Samuel Hughes'] perspective, he felt the relationship was always on a casual footing, involving the relationship being sexual from the outset.

"Ms Spafford takes a completely different view.

"She was 18, and he was 10 years older.

"He doted on her, showered her in gifts - she thought he was going to treat her right.

"She finally succumbed to his charms and they started in this sexual relationship.

"Ms Spafford says that by February his interest had waned, and Mr Hughes decided to move on.

The Leader:

"He refused to answer any of her questions about why the relationship had abruptly come to an end.

"That caused her a great deal of harm as she was deeply concerned about this older man who she thought was deeply interested in her."

He added: "She accepts she over-sent messages and followed him to see what he was doing.

"She's been poorly treated by the injured party in this case."

District Judge Gwyn Jones told the defendant: "It is clear both of you treated that relationship and valued it in very different ways.

"To you it was a serious relationship, but to him it was clear he didn't regard it in the same way.

"You were not able to let go and there was an unhealthy interest in Mr Hughes."

Spafford received a 12 month community order with 80 hours of unpaid work.

A restraining order of five years was imposed for the victim's protection.

Compensation was not considered appropriate in the case, but Spafford must pay a £114 victim surcharge, as well as £85 costs.