WREXHAM residents have come together to support the Miners Project following a devastating break-in.

Staff arrived at the site on Maesgwyn Road on Friday morning (January 5) to find a brick had been thrown through the window - and the place was ransacked.

Intruders are believed to have entered the property overnight and stolen money from the till as well as caused 'serious damage' to the cafe and workshops within the building. 

It left building owner George Powell absolutely devastated, but the immediate response from residents across Wrexham has been overwhelming. 

The existing GoFundMe page has received numerous donations alongside messages of kindness, including £1,000 from Bryan Swarberg, co-producer of the 'Welcome to Wrexham' documentary. 

The rescue also received a visit from Wrexham AFC, including manager Phil Parkinson and club executive and charity ambassador Humphrey Ker, who took the time to give the volunteers a lift during the difficult time.

George said: "The support has been amazing. People are offering their services eg, to help with security, help with maintenance, collections of money, help with cleaning up and a big improvement with donations to our ‘gofundme’ fundraiser which has been running long before the break-in.

"Also Wrexham AFC have paid a visit along with our Patron Humphrey Ker which really boosted everyone's spirits."

George has also confirmed that all donations made in January and February will be entered into a special draw for a signed Wrexham shirt.

The Miner's Rescue, which aims to capture the stories and memories of those in the Wrexham mining community has undergone significant restoration in the past 10 years. 

Primarily run by volunteers, it offers an abundance of support to the community in terms of workshops for various groups, as well as the cafe.


North Wales Police were contacted following the incident which occurred on Maesgwyn Road, Wrexham. The investigation is ongoing.

A spokesperson said: "Anyone who witnessed anything suspicious in the area overnight, or may have dashcam footage of the area, is asked to contact police via out website or by calling 101 quoting reference Q002042."

The rescue reopened on Sunday (January 7) following a two day closure.