A MAN who attacked his partner after mixing excessive amounts of lager and vodka has been spared jail.

Jay Hughes, of Derby Road in Wrexham, was produced in custody at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 45-year-old had admitted one offence of assault - which took place on December 22 - when he appeared before the court last week.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court the victim in the case was Carol Evans - with whom the defendant had been in an on-off relationship over some ten years.

The day before the offence, Hughes had received a 12 pack of lagers as a bonus from work.

He drank 11 of them that day, then left his home at 2am to buy and drink a bottle of vodka - before buying another on his way home.

On his return to the address, an argument ensued with the victim in which she told him to clean himself up as he'd "soiled himself."

Hughes became violent, swinging at her and pushing her away before knocking her to the floor with two punches.

He then delivered several more punches to her head before leaving the property again.

In her statement, which Mr Espie read to the court, Ms Evans said her then-partner's actions caused her to feel "very scared," adding she knew he was intoxicated but that was "no excuse" for what he did.

She was left with swelling below her eye.

A probation officer told the court: "He drank to excess and then went out, bought more and mixed the lager with vodka in excessive amounts.

"He states he is drinking every single day and has been for a long time - reporting he drinks over three litres of vodka a day.

"He describes himself as a functioning alcoholic as he is in employment as well.


"When he reduces his alcohol intake, he goes through severe withdrawal and feels very unwell.

"He's extremely sorry for what he's done."

The court heard the defendant's offence on December 22 was not his first of assault against Ms Evans.

"He reports that normally when he isn't drinking his relationship with Ms Evans is a good one," the Probation Officer added.

"It's really sad to hear he does become violent towards her."

Emma Simoes, defending, said: "Mr Hughes doesn't seek to minimise his actions in any way and before this offence he did seek voluntary assistance for his drinking - he knows it has to stop.

"Things have been very difficult for him since the passing of his mother a few years back. He's struggled to move on in her absence."

Ms Simoes asked the court to draw back from immediate custody in order to allow her client to complete rehabilitative work to address his alcohol use.

Deputy District Judge Paul Conlon told Hughes: "This was a prolonged assault on your then-partner.

"It's so serious that it must be imprisonment, however I have to consider whether it can be suspended.

The Leader:

"It's a difficult balance, but I come down in favour of suspension because I find there is a realistic prospect of rehabilitation."

The Judge handed down a term of 12 weeks imprisonment, suspended for 18 months.

Hughes must undergo a six month alcohol treatment programme, as well as 20 days of rehabilitation activity and 35 sessions on a 'building better relationships' programme.

He must also pay the victim £150 in compensation, as well as paying a £154 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

An 18 month restraining order was put in place to protect the victim.