ANIMAL shelters across Wrexham and Flintshire are strongly discouraging residents not to adopt pets during the festive period.

Thousands of unloved pets are abandoned and 'dumped' at animal shelters throughout the year.

In Wales, abandonment reports have risen by 61% with 997 in 2020 and 1,610 this year, according to Nation Cymru.

Between January and October 2023, there were 140 reported cases of abandoned pets to the RSPCA in Flintshire, and 151 in Wrexham.

That is why animal rescue centres are strongly encouraging people not to gift pets this Christmas as many of them are abandoned only a few months later.

A spokesperson at Jackson's Animal Rescue said: "We would simply say don't do it.

"Christmas is a very busy time at home, children are over excited, new people are in the home, it's chaotic, it's not a suitable time to settle in a new pet. We don't rehome over Christmas for this reason. 

"We deal with rabbits, and this is the most common pet bought as a gift for children and then discarded a few months later when they are bored of them.

"Usually by the time they get to us, they are hugely neglected and requiring vet treatment costing hundreds of pounds."

Likewise, a spokesperson from Cats Protection said: "Cats are a serious commitment and people need to consider whether they can care for the cat for its lifetime and afford to meet its key needs, including food and ongoing veterinary care.

"Bringing any cat home during Christmas can be problematic because many felines do not settle well into a new home during this very busy time of year."

We also asked animal shelters in Flintshire to reveal some of the most bizarre reasons why someone had 'dumped their pet.'


One pet owner said "We didn't realise how often it needed feeding and we just can't afford it" while another admitted they felt too guilty leaving them alone in the house and thought it would be "easier" to give it up.

All pets deserve a loving home, especially at Christmas time.

Please seek advice before making an informed decision for yours and your fury friend's best interest.