A COMMUNITY hub in Wrexham striving to support citizens across the county has been vandalised.

It was discovered on Wednesday (December 6) that the former Yellow and Blue (YaB) Hub situated on Henblas Street had been vandalised.

Founder of YaB Peter Humphreys took to Facebook to express his upset and frustration, calling whoever did it "a disgrace to our town."

The vandalism had taken place over the 10-foot heart outside the old hub, coloured in yellow and blue to reflect the hub's branding. However, the vandalism expressed a message towards Ukraine showing a severe lack of support and respect to the country during trying times.

Thankfully, Wrexham residents were quick to offer their help and support by lending supplies and offering to paint.

Employee Mandy Hutcherson said: "I think it's just disrespectful towards Peter who founded it. 

"The community is outraged at what has happened, but the amount of good people offering to remove it is very touching.


"Whoever has done it should be ashamed of themselves."

YaB has gone from strength to strength since it launched in 2017 by Peter benefitting local residents by providing food and a space for struggling individuals, families, the isolated and the homeless.

The hub's new location is situated in Eagles Meadow shopping centre.

The hub continues to be a safe space to everybody in the town and sincerely hopes this act of unkindness will be a one-off occurrence.