RESIDENTS in Wrexham are being warned following a spate of attempted car thefts in the area. 

North Wales Police say there have been reports of thefts from vehicles in the Rhosddu and Acton in recent weeks. 

The force added that cars have been left unlocked and are warning residents to ensure they lock their vehicles to prevent 'opportunistic thieves'. 

Councillor Marc Jones has encouraged residents to stay alert following the recent reports and said that police are set to increase patrols in an attempt to deter the thieves. 

Cllr Jones added: "There have been quite a few attempts at car thefts, but luckily cars these days are pretty hard to get into. However, every once in a while, someone forgets to lock their car. 

"As well as Rhosddu, police say there have been a few in Acton, it looks like both are getting a hammering on Sunday nights.

"Thanks to those who have sent CCTV footage so far - the police are looking at that and I'm told officers have been tasked with hi-vis patrols locally to deter the behaviour and identify anyone out in the area.

"Please make sure your cars are locked and valuables removed."

A North Wales Police spokesperson said: "Following a series of thefts from vehicles in the Acton and Rhosddu areas of Wrexham overnight, Police are reminding residents to ensure that vehicles are locked up when unattended and all valuables removed.

"Officers will be having an increased presence in the area in both marked and unmarked cars to deter any further offences and ask residents to check their CCTV cameras for any suspicious activity.

"Should you have any footage of any suspicious activity overnight, please report this to Police via 101 or the online chat facility on our website

"Now the mornings are a lot colder, and the nights are darker, we would urge people to ensure they are keeping their vehicles locked and secure to prevent opportunistic thieves."


North Wales Police have issued some tips for residents in an attempt to prevent any future thefts:

  • Make sure your vehicle is locked at all times.
  • Don’t leave vehicle keys close to your front door. Thieves may use your letterbox to reach into your property to take them.
  • If you need to defrost your car in the morning, don’t leave your car running and unattended as thieves may be watching for an opportunity to drive it away.
  • Don’t keep valuable items or cash in your vehicle. If you need to, keep them out of sight in the glove box or in the boot.