MONEY raised from this year’s Flint Festival, which included Rock the Castle, has started to be issued to local community groups and charities by the Mayor of Flint.

On Friday, Mayor of Flint, Ben Goldsborough, joined with staff at Sainsbury’s Flint to hand out two cheques worth £450 to Flint Parish Church of St Mary’s and St Thomas’s and Refurbs Flint.

These two community groups offer food pantries to residents who are struggling with the cost of living crisis.

This forms the first two donations by Flint Town Council of the monies raised during July’s Flint Festival.

More donations will be issued on Friday, December 8.

Cllr Goldsborough, said: “As we move into the festive season it’s fantastic to deliver donations to local community groups. This money will make a huge difference to our town and I’m sure grateful for all the work these groups do.


“These donations wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for the generosity of Flint residents who attended the Flint Festival in the summer. I’m so proud of the town for digging deep when times are tough to ensure that everyone is looked after.

“A huge thank you must also go to our local Sainsbury’s for adding to the donations. When businesses big and small lend a hand to our groups it shows they care about the community.”

Sainsbury’s Flint also added to the donations given from Flint Town Council. They contributed an additional £300 worth of food products to both food pantries.