FLINTSHIRE residents are being invited to have their say on new plans to reduce waste and improve recycling rates throughout the county.

As of December 1, residents and local communities are invited to have their say on the Council’s new draft Resources and Waste strategy which aims to see more of our household waste reduced, reused and recycled.

Flintshire County Council is currently at risk of being fined more than £1.1 million for failing to hit Welsh Government recycling targets in 2021/22 and 2022/23, as well as further potential large fines in 2023/24 and beyond.

If adopted, the strategy aims to improve recycling rates in Flintshire from 61% to 70% and deliver the Council’s ambitions of becoming net carbon zero by 2023.

The council says that reducing consumption and impact on the environment will take a 'collective effort from residents, our workforce, businesses and the wider community'. 

The new strategy sets out the council's aims to enable and support people living and working in Flintshire to make it easier for them to reduce their carbon footprint.

They are asking residents to give their views on the draft strategy between December 1, 2023 and January 12, 2024.

During this time, there will be a number of community information drop-in events across the county to give people an opportunity to find out more and discuss the plans with the Council.


Councillor Dave Hughes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Streetscene and the Regional Transport Strategy, said: “This is an important strategy which will influence the future of resource and waste management in Flintshire. It sets out how we plan to hit the targets we are set by Welsh Government, as well as addressing the significant pressures of climate change.

“We want to hear from as many residents as possible to help us shape the final version of the strategy and I’d urge everyone to take part and give their views on this very important matter.”

Copies of the draft strategy and consultation questionnaire will be available at the Connects Centres and Household Recycling Centres throughout the consultation period. A copy of the draft strategy can be found online here. To complete the short questionnaire please click here.

Any paper copies completed can be emailed to streetsceneadmin@flintshire.gov.uk.

Or alternatively posted to: Flintshire County Council, Streetscene and Transportation, Alltami Depot, Mold Road, Alltami, Flintshire, CH7 6LG.

Responses must be received no later than January 12, 2024.