WREXHAM'S MP and MS have had their say after a Judge ordered the local authority to adopt its Local Development Plan (LDP).

The Leader reported on Wednesday (November 29) how a Judicial Review took place at Cardiff Civil Justice Centre regarding the council's refusal on two occasions to adopt the LDP - despite councillors receiving numerous sources of legal advice to the contrary.

It had been brought about by a consortium of developers who have interests in various sites across the county - with their projects stalled until the situation reached a conclusion.

Judge Justice Eyre KC ruled that the council had "deliberately, in the face of legal advice and recommendation, declined to carry out its legal duty" by refusing the plan, which it was obliged to adopt within eight weeks of it going through its independent examination by inspectors.

He said the refusals were "outside the powers of the council and/or irrational by reason of taking account of irrelevant considerations" - and quashed both resolutions made by the authority earlier this year.

The Judge concluded by saying that if the council, which was unrepresented at the hearing, doesn't meet and adopt the plan by mid-January, "firmer action" by the court will follow - and he ordered Wrexham Council to pay £100,000 in costs to the claimants.

Following the ruling, Wrexham MS Lesley Griffiths said: "The court ruling was very clear.  

"Wrexham County Borough Council now need to get on and adopt their own Local Development Plan. 

"I am very concerned about the amount of public money being wasted in this process, particularly in light of the current financial pressures all levels of Government are facing."

Sarah Atherton MP said: “Back in June, most of Wrexham Council’s elected councillors gathered at the Guildhall and represented their constituents, as they refused to adopt – for the second time – the Local Development Plan (LDP). 

"I fully supported councillors exercising their democratic right in voting to reject the LDP

"Having gone to judicial review, it was announced that Wrexham Council has been forced to adopt it - a plan imposed on us by the Welsh Labour Government in Cardiff, Labour Councillors and Senedd Members.

"Despite raising my concerns on many occasions, we will now see development plans for around 8,000 houses being built on land at Lower Berse Farm, in Rhosrobin and in Rossett.

"There is no doubt that Wrexham faces significant challenges with housing. 

"Whilst, I am not opposed to more housing, this requires improvements to existing infrastructure such as hospitals, road capacity, GP surgeries and emergency services prior.

"Wrexham’s LDP, cooked-up by Labour in Cardiff, will only serve to exacerbate the existing challenges that my constituents face on a daily basis with public services and infrastructure, which the Welsh Labour Government simply refuse to acknowledge or even listen to the voice of the people of Wrexham.”

Following the court proceedings, a Wrexham council spokesman said: "In light of the information received today we will be arranging an Extraordinary Council meeting to deal with the matter.”