MOTORISTS have been urged to check their vehicles after a catalytic converter was stolen in the Aston area.

PCSO Owen Prentice, of the North Flintshire Police team, issued the message on Wednesday afternoon regarding the theft - which took place on Sunday, November 26.

He said: "We are advising all local residents to check vehicles which have not been used since November 26 and ensure that the catalytic convertor hasn't been stolen. 


"Obvious signs of your vehicle missing its catalytic convertor consist of the following: loud roar when you start the car, increase in exhaust fumes, missing parts under the vehicle leading to the 'muffler' [and] uneven or spluttering acceleration.

"If you find evidence of your catalytic convertor being stolen then phone 101 and report this as a crime. 

"If you would like any further information on vehicle security please feel free to contact me via community alert or email"