RESIDENTS are being encouraged to consider additional security measures for their vehicles after a van was damaged in a "clear attempt to take valuables."

PCSO Owen Prentice of the North Flintshire Police team confirmed on Wednesday afternoon that the force received a report of criminal damage to a BT Openreach van near Queen Street and Park Avenue in Flint.

He explained: "The damage caused was a clear attempt to take valuables from the van.

"However, luckily, the van had been emptied by the driver. 

"We are encouraging local residents to consider the following security advice to prevent further incidents occurring. 

"Double check all doors are locked when the vehicle is left unoccupied [and] park the vehicle somewhere which is covered by CCTV and security lighting. 

"Ensure that all valuables are taken out of the vehicle. 

"If this is not possible ensure that all valuable belongings are "out of sight" and or locked away. 


"If you can't park your vehicle on a driveway, then consider parking it in an area which is covered by street lighting. 

"[And] if you can't remove the valuables then consider purchasing SmartWater. 

"SmartWater is a forensic marking liquid which works in the same way as DNA. 

"This allows items to be marked and traceable back to the owner. 

"SmartWater normally retails at £59 however North Wales Police have a discount code which brings the price of the pack down to £25.

"If you would like any further information on SmartWater and how to have access to the discount code feel free to contact me on community alert or email"