PLANS for the construction of a manufacturing facility with associated parking and landscaping may be approved next week.

An application was submitted to Wrexham Council by Ipsen BioPharm proposing an 11,200 sq.m industrial building together with associated parking and serving areas.

The application site is a 1.56ha area of previously developed land on Ash Road North on Wrexham Industrial Estate.

A report into the plans says that the proposed development would be staffed by up to 48 people, with 24 on the site at any one time.

The report also says that the applicants currently have 264 parking spaces for staff and visitors and the proposals would see 24 spaces added.


The report said: “The proposal amounts to an appropriate form of development on a site within the Wrexham Industrial Estate.

“The development would be in keeping with the prevailing character of the area and would not give rise to unacceptable impacts to highway safety impact or the River Dee SAC.

“Subject to the Council’s Ecology Officer and NRW raising no objections to the amended plans, the proposed development would also not give rise to ecology concerns.”

It is recommended that the Chief Officer Economy and Planning be given delegated authority to grant planning permission subject to the Council’s Ecology Officer and NRW confirming no objection to the amended plans and to finalise conditions to secure the following:

  • The development to be carried out in accordance with the submitted plans and AMS;
  • Site investigations for contamination and, if necessary, a scheme of remediation;
  • Ecology mitigation measures, to include RAMs for GCN, ecology mitigation, net benefit to biodiversity and a biosecurity risk assessment;
  • Tree protection measures;
  • Landscaping, including tree planting;
  • The implementation of scheme of low and zero carbon technology;
  • Visibility splays; and
  • On-site parking provision.

The application will go before Wrexham Council's Planning Committee meeting on Monday, December 4.