A MAN with an 'unhealthy cannabis relationship' has avoided jail after admitting his part in a 'small street dealing operation.'

Edmund Partyka, of St Giles Crescent in Wrexham, appeared for sentence at Mold Crown Court on Thursday afternoon.

The 25-year-old had previously admitted possession of cannabis, possession with intent to supply cannabis and being concerned in the supply of cannabis.

Catherine Elvin, prosecuting, told the court that on April 13, 2021, police were involved in a short pursuit of a vehicle after it failed to stop.

It wasn't alleged that Partyka was the driver of the vehicle, but his fingerprints were found on a bag of cannabis found in it after it was eventually stopped and the driver ran.

The drug located in the vehicle was worth up to £3,500 if sold in bulk, or £4,820 if sold in street deals.

After Partyka's fingerprints were found on the bag, his home was searched.

A number of smaller bags of cannabis were found and seized - as were a pair of mobile phones, scales and grinders.

The phone revealed messages indicative of the supply of cannabis, but Partyka told police at that stage that the cannabis found in his home was for his own use.

Ms Elvin said the defendant had performed a "significant" and "operational" function in a chain.

Philip Tully, defending, told the court: "I accept the offences were committed as part of his conduct in what I'd describe as a relatively small street dealing operation.


"It is of note that his involvement was clearly during the time he was under a heavy addiction to cannabis, which to his credit he has since taken steps to reduce.

"He is a man who is currently unemployed but has a good work record.

"And he's a family man who tells me he wants to be a better role model for his son going forward."

Recorder Simon Mills told the defendant: "It is plain to me that you have an unhealthy relationship with cannabis.

"Every penny you spent on it won't have been money spent on nice things or having days out with your child.

The Leader:

"That's an aspect of your behaviour you need to get a grip of."

Partyka received a 12 month custodial sentence, but it was suspended for 18 months.

He must undertake 10 days of rehabilitation activity, up to 35 sessions on an accredited programme and 120 hours of unpaid work, as well as paying a £156 victim surcharge.