FLINTSHIRE community projects will benefit from over £11 million from the UK Government's Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

Flintshire County Council is pleased to announce that 23 projects have been awarded funding.

The council, along with the other North Wales local authorities, invited applicants to submit project proposals back in February.

The fund was heavily over-subscribed with over 90 applications requesting nearly three times the Flintshire allocation.

Following a series of robust appraisal and assessment exercises the final shortlist has been approved and projects given the go-ahead to proceed.

A wide variety of projects will be delivered over the next 14 months which align to the UKSPF main priorities of Communities and Place, Supporting Local Businesses, People and Skills as well as improving adult numeracy through the Multiply programme. 

Councillor David Healey, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Economy, said: “I am delighted that, with the use of UK Government Shared Prosperity Funding, these projects have the potential to make a significant positive contribution to Flintshire’s communities and economy and help the county become an even more prosperous and vibrant place for people to live, study, work and visit.”


The 23 projects include;

  • Improve the infrastructure and environment of Flintshire’s town centres, rural communities and coastal destinations.

  • Enhance people’s skills, mental health and wellbeing and reduce barriers to employment, education and training.

  • Enable business research and investment in areas such as digitalisation, connectivity, innovation, de-carbonisation, and knowledge transfer.

  • Support the growth of the tourism sector and enhance tourism facilities and attractions.

  • Build community resilience, increase community participation and foster a sense of local pride.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is part of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025.