A HMP Berwyn inmate who headbutted a prison officer in the face has been ordered to pay him compensation.

Nathan Kendrick, 30, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court via video link from the prison on Monday morning.

He admitted one count of assaulting an emergency worker by beating.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that on August 27 this year, the defendant had been asked to return to his cell.

Whilst he was moving backwards, his arm was taken hold of - following which he headbutted Prison Officer Matthew Harris to the face.

Kendrick was restrained on the ground and the officer was left with a cut and swollen top lip.

In his victim personal statement, Officer Harris said: "This is the first time I've been assaulted at work.

"My partner is constantly worried now and my mum just didn't want me to return to work, concerned it was too dangerous."

He explained he did return to his post, but was then signed off work sick.

Officer Harris said the "thoughtless actions" of the defendant had been "unacceptable."

The Leader:

Melissa Griffiths, defending, told the court: "He is currently serving a sentence which was imposed in January this year and his expected release date is March next year.

"He fully accepts responsibility for this incident.

"The injured party indicated he felt this behaviour was unacceptable and Mr Kendrick agrees."

She explained there had been "some issue" about her client's behaviour, and so he had been returned to his cell.

But then some time later, he was allowed out again, which is when he came to the attention of Officer Harris - who told him he shouldn't be out.


"At the time," Ms Griffiths said, "he thought he was being targeted by the officer but on reflection he totally understands the officer was only doing his job and he shouldn't have reacted in the way he did.

"I concede it has to be an immediate custodial sentence today."

The court handed down a six month custodial sentence, to be served concurrently to Kendrick's ongoing jail time.

The defendant must pay £250 in compensation to his victim, as well as £85 costs and a £154 victim surcharge.