AN age charity in Wrexham has launched its second programme aimed at supporting residents against falls.

The Rainbow Foundation is set to launch its second cohort of ‘Active Futures’, an exercise programme involving strength, balance, and functional exercises.

Sessions include a physiotherapist-led exercise class followed by an opportunity to socialise with the group and access lifestyle and wellbeing support from their community wellbeing advisor. 

The Rainbow Foundation, offers a range of interventions including a Day Opportunities service which provides social engagement for the elderly and a Home Care service which delivers support in the home.

It is not just the elderly that the Wrexham charity helps though as their community outreach work provides support for the over 50’s in the local community, and their Social Prescribing service works with GPs across the whole of Wrexham to support anyone over 18. 


Ian Pope, Director of Operations at the Rainbow Foundation said: "100% of participants improved during the programme not only decreasing the time they took to complete activities but also making significant improvements to their stamina, confidence, and overall feelings of wellbeing. All participants also reported a reduction in concerns and anxiety around falls and mobility.

"This is why we are thrilled to be able to roll out our Active Futures programme to residents across Wrexham. Keeping active improves our mind, cognitive function and our immune system making it easier to fight off infections. By taking some simple measures, people can stay healthy and maintain their independence as they age.”

The programme is free and held over 12 weeks, starting the week commencing November 6.

It will be running at four venues: the Rainbow Centre in Penley, Piercy Hall in Marchwiel, Acton Park Resource Centre and Chirk Parish Hall.

To book your place call the Rainbow Foundation on 01948 830730 or email direct.