A HMP BERWYN inmate who made threatening phone calls to the mother of his child has had time added to his current sentence.

Liam Palmer, 27, appeared before Caernarfon Crown Court for sentencing on Thursday, October 19.

He previously pleaded guilty, at Wrexham Magistrates on September 28, to making threats to kill.

Palmer is currently serving a six-year sentence for a number of offences, including selling cocaine, perverting the course of justice and handling stolen goods.

He was due to be released at the end of this year, the court was told.

Alexia Carrier, prosecuting, said Palmer had been in a relationship with Zoe Ridgway between 2019 and 2021 and the pair had a child together.

The incidents in question took place on April 21 of this year, when Palmer called Ms Ridgway via the landline from the prison.

During the first call at 9.30pm, he asked his ex-partner if she could bring their child to see him in prison.

She said that this was not possible and he asked "Is this your final answer?"

Three minutes later, Palmer called Ms Ridgway back and this time accused her of being in a relationship with a friend, which she denied.

The defendant then became 'offensive' and 'abusive' and told her he was going to 'absolutely terrorise' her.

Palmer then told her he would 'tie' her up and 'rip' her teeth out, adding that this was a 'not a threat, but a promise'.

He then told her: "I'll burn your f****** house down while you and her are still in it."

Ms Carrier told the court that Ms Ridgway said the threats have caused her to 'feel distressed' and worsened her 'anxiety'.

The incident has also left her 'living in fear' and 'worried whenever I answer the phone'.

When interviewed, Palmer added that the threats made were 'just a joke'.


John Wyn Williams, defending, said that Palmer was 'genuinely remorseful' and was 'sorry for what happened'.

He added that the defendant admitted that he'd had an 'outburst of anger' while making the second call.

Judge Rhys Rowlands sentenced Palmer to 10 months, which will run consecutively with his current sentence.

He was also made the subject of a restraining order, which will last for five years.