READERS have reacted to news that another pub in the area could be lost. 

A developer has submitted a planning application to Flintshire Council to demolish The Queensferry Hotel, situated close to the Jubilee Bridge (Blue Bridge) off Welsh Road in Deeside. In its place, an apartment block would be built on the site. 

Leader readers have taken to social media to react to the news of the potential loss of Garden City's last pub. 

Eddie Loughnane said: "Reopen it. Loads more houses down there. Garden City residents could do with a pub."

Johnny Diamond added: "Played there with my band when it was a fun pub in the 80s. Would be sad to see Garden City with not one pub."


Other people acknowledged that while the pub itself has been lost, it could be turned into a community facility. 

Adi Jones said: "Should turn it into a youth club, plenty of space around it for appartments."

Rich Jones added: "Why the need to demolish it? Ok, it may no longer be be viable as a pub but why not convert it? Good example of this is The Old Trooper in Christleton (which became a Costa Coffee drive-thru)."

Alan Stanners said: "Use it or lose it. It’s been neglected and left to rot for as many years as I can remember, I used this (fun pub in the 80s) but those days are set aside to memory. A sign of many more closures and demolitions to come."