FLINTSHIRE Council has confirmed that a four-way traffic light system - that has been sparking delays for drivers - is due to come to an end this week.

Throughout this week, 'heavy congestion' has been reported in the Pontblyddyn area.

Traffic has been backing up along the A541 there from the lights which are located near the Bridge Inn in Pontblyddyn.

This has only been getting worse in the mornings and evenings as people travel to and from work.

The AA's Live Traffic map is already showing delays in the area this morning (October 18), with Corwen Road also affected.

Motorists have been facing delays of around 10 minutes in the area this week.

Having been approached by the Leader for more information on the work being carried out there, Flintshire Council has stated that it is due to roadworks to 'repair a culvert'.


A spokesperson added that this work is set to be completed by this Friday (October 20).

Katie Wilby, Flintshire Council's chief officer for Street Scene and Transportation, said: "Flintshire County Council is currently undertaking roadworks to repair a culvert in the highway.

"To ensure the safety of both our workforce and those that use the highway, 4-way temporary traffic signals are in place.

"These works are due to be completed by Friday, October 20."