THE COUNCIL is set to showcase '52 things you never knew about Wrexham' over the coming weeks in a bid to highlight the area's history and culture.

Next time you’re walking past Wrexham Library, glance up and you might learn something interesting about the county borough.

That is because, every week for the next 52 weeks, the county council will be posting a fact about Wrexham on the digital screen outside the library’s main entrance.

These will range from well-known stories about Wrexham Lager and the football club, to less well-known facts about the Charge of the Light Brigade, or the world land speed record.

Councillor Nigel Williams, Wrexham Council’s Lead Member for Economy, said: “Wrexham has such a rich history and culture, and there are so many interesting facts and figures about the county borough."


Cllr Williams added: “A lot of people will recognise some of the things we post on the screen – for example, lots of people know that Wrexham Lager was served on the Titanic. But other facts will come as a surprise…even to born-and bred Wrexham folk!

“It’s a fun a way of highlighting some of the many interesting and wonderful things about Wrexham.”

The screen was fixed to the side of the library at the end of August to help promote events, activities, public services and other info.

It’s part of the council’s SMART City initiative, and is being funded by a grant from the Transforming Towns Scheme.

Councillor Williams said: “We’re looking at how we can use technology in our city centre to enhance the experience for shoppers, workers and other leisure users.

“This screen is just one example, but if it works well it could pave the way for further developments in how we use digital platforms to share information with city centre users.”