A MAN has been ordered to pay out almost £700 after punching a window and being caught with cannabis.

Jake Lewis, of Wheatsheaf Lane in Gwersyllt, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Monday morning.

The 25-year-old admitted that on August 28, he damaged a window at a property in Wheatsheaf Lane which belonged to Wrexham Council.

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He also admitted that on September 27, at Llay custody facility, he had in his possession a quantity of cannabis.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that at around 10.30pm on the day of the August offence, police were made aware of a male causing a 'disturbance' in Gwersyllt.

They arrived at the scene to find him shouting in the street.

Lewis punched the window of a council property, causing it to smash.

He was bailed with a condition not to be drunk in public - but on the day of his second offence, "found himself arrested" for breaching that condition.

When he was searched at Llay, a grinder containing cannabis was found on his person.

The amount was "consistent with personal use."

The Leader:

Pierce Blythen, defending, told the court his client struggled with his mental health.

"He has been diagnosed with bipolar," he explained.

"Ultimately he accepts the offences before the court, and is ashamed of his actions.

"He made full admissions regarding the criminal damage and was not interviewed for the [cannabis] possession.

"Mr Lewis understands he must be held accountable."

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The magistrates handed down fines of £133 for the criminal damage and £266 for the cannabis.

Lewis must pay £50 compensation to Wrexham Council for the damaged window, as well as £85 costs and a £160 victim surcharge.

The court also ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the cannabis seized.