PLAID CYMRU councillors in Wrexham have put forward a number of key roads for exemption from the 20mph speed limit.

As of September 17, the majority of residential roads in Wales have been changed from 30mph to 20mph.

The Welsh Government claims that this will help save lives, but the move has been met by huge criticism with over 460,000 people signing a petition calling for the change to be reversed. 

The latest move by Plaid councillors in Wrexham has come as a result of consultation with local residents in their wards and more widely throughout the borough.

Cllr Carrie Harper said: "We're in favour of reducing speeds to 20mph on residential streets and outside schools, medical centres and care homes so Plaid Cymru in Wrexham has no problem with the intention of the policy.

"However, we made it clear before the scheme was introduced that we believed key arterial routes in and around Wrexham should be among the exemptions."


Cllr Harper added: "Wrexham Council has only obtained 10 exemptions to the 20mph in comparison with Swansea that has more than 150. After consulting with our nine councillors and with the wider public, we've received many calls for key arterial routes to be exempted and we support the council looking at those seven roads on the grounds that they would not compromise pedestrian safety.

"There are others proposed by the general public that we have put forward to officers as well, as it's important that there is maximum engagement with residents from the council's perspective.

"We'll wait to hear back from the council on whether all or any of the proposals we've put forward are exempted."

These are the roads the Plaid Cymru group would like to be considered for exemption from the 20mph route and returned to 30mph:

  • Mold Road (B&Q roundabout to The Turf)
  • A541 Mold Road, Gwersyllt
  • Chester Road (from A483 to inner ring road)
  • Holt Road (from Greyhound to Tesco roundabout)
  • Ruthin Road (from A483 to Morrisons junction)
  • Kingsmill Road (from Kingsmill pub to Green Dragon lights)
  • Cefn Road (from 100m beyond Ysgol Morgan Llwyd to junction with Abenbury Rd)

Wrexham Council has confirmed that a review of its 20mph roads is underway, following the introduction of the blanket scheme last month.

The local authority says this comes following 'significant feedback'.

A spokesperson said: "We have received a significant amount of feedback since the implementation of 20mph. We are collating all of that and will undertake a review of any roads where the case has been made for them to be reinstated at 30mph. 

"This review will take time, and we will consider all factors in undertaking this work (including road safety, active travel, as well as the original WG exemption criteria). 

"Wrexham Council are part of a number of Welsh Gov working groups on the topic of the 20mph roll-out, and we continue to engage in these meetings (along with colleagues from around Wales).  We have no plans other than this at present."