By Lesley Griffiths

MS for Wrexham

Regular readers will be aware Ken Skates MS and I have been taking a stand against Euro Car Parks, the private firm that operates the car park at Island Green Shopping Centre, for several months.

Despite managing to get some parking charge notices overturned, constituents are still contacting us complaining about unfair fines. It is clear shoppers are avoiding Island Green and this is negatively impacting the businesses.

The unscrupulous practices of private car park operators is a nationwide problem and the UK Government recently reacted by launching a consultation which may lead to greater regulation around these faceless, seemingly unaccountable companies.

The deadline has now passed but I provided a thorough response to the consultation on behalf of my constituents. I hope UK ministers will be forced to act and this work will lead to lasting change.

This year marks Macmillan Cancer Support’s 33rd annual Coffee Morning event.

Sadly, cancer affects the lives of so many of us but Macmillan’s flagship fundraiser offers the chance for people to get together every year and collectively raise millions of pounds to help combat the disease.

I attended a special event at the Senedd last month celebrating the volunteers, fundraisers and professionals that do such invaluable work supporting people living with cancer.

On Saturday 21 October, Welsh Labour’s Parliamentary candidate for Wrexham, Andrew Ranger and I are hosting our own Macmillan Coffee Morning at Acton Community Resource Centre. The event will take place from 10am – 12:30pm.

All are welcome but I would be grateful if people email me beforehand to register so Andrew and I can cater for everybody.

There are just a few days left to get your nominations in for this year’s St David Awards.

Now entering its eleventh year, the Awards reflect and celebrate the aspirations of Wales and its citizens. They also offer the opportunity to raise the profile of people in the community, praising those unsung heroes who do exceptional things day in day out.

Local residents and businesses have been celebrated in the past and I hope to see some winners from Wrexham once again!

There are nine categories altogether and nominations close at midnight on 19 October, 2023. All the information can be found online but if anyone has any questions, please feel free to get in touch.

If you’re a constituent in Wrexham and there is something I could help you with, please do not hesitate to contact me via email: or call my office: 01978 355743.