A CONVOY of cars staged a protest outside County Hall in Mold against the new 20mph limit. 

Around a dozen cars drove past Flintshire Council's building a number of times beeping their horns. 

The local authority held its monthly full council meeting on Tuesday afternoon - where the a motion is calling on the council's leader and cabinet to support the anti-20mph movement. 

Karin Schroeder, protestor who held an anti-20mph placade outside the main entrance of County Hall, spoke to The Leader


She said: "In Flintshire, it has already affected businesses, taxis, bus services and it's chaos. 

"We want to know did anyone sit and think about the knock-on effect to the economy and people's personal lives - getting to and from work, appointments.

"We're protesting today outside County Hall where there's a full county council meeting taking place - and we're asking them to exempt all the roads back to where they were before September 17. The council can make a difference by making more roads exempt."

A group of taxi drivers from Holywell also took part in the protest. They spoke about the impact the new speed limit has had on them. 

"We are getting less journeys as the ones we have are taking longer," Linda Corbett, of Corbett Cars, said. 

"The cars aren't made to do 20mph and we're already seeing more wear and tear. They're equipped to deal with 30mph roads.

"We're getting backlash off customers - they want a taxi there and then but it's taking longer for us to get there."