A HMP Berwyn inmate has had his time behind bars extended after prison officers discovered a stash of weapons in his cell.

Harry Gray appeared at Caernarfon Crown Court on Thursday via video link from the prison for sentence.

The 20-year-old had admitted five offences of possessing a knife or other offensive weapon within a prison at a previous hearing.

Jade Tufail, prosecuting, told the court that on June 2 this year, Gray was - and remains - a serving prisoner at Berwyn.

READ MORE: HMP Berwyn inmate "slashed" other prisoner with weapon

During a search of his cell, officers found five weapons; two of which were described as a "rock in a sock" and were located inside trainers.

The other three were pieces of sharpened metal, one of which had been fashioned into a 'home-made knife.'

Gray and his cellmate were challenged on their possession of the items, but the defendant took responsibility for them.

Ms Tufail told the court Gray has eight convictions for 27 offences.

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Dafydd Roberts, defending, told the court: "The first and most important point I can make is that he cooperated with the investigation and pleaded guilty at the very earliest opportunity."

The defendant was previously a drug user, he explained, but had since addressed the issue whilst in custody over the last year.

"He has plans to get work when he is released," Mr Roberts explained, "and leave this lifestyle of being involved in the drug world behind him."

Mr Roberts asked the court to bear in mind his client's age and the fact he is already serving "long sentences" with his current release date still a year down the line.

Judge Nicola Saffman told Gray: "You took responsibility for all five weapons and in interview you said they were for your own use and protection.

The Leader:

"Possession of weapons in prison spreads a culture of fear, intimidation and bullying."

Overall, Gray received a sentence of 14 months in a young offenders institute, to run consecutive to his ongoing custodial term.

Judge Saffman ordered that all of the weapons be forfeited and destroyed.